மென்பொருள் (Software)
- Google Input Tools (URL: https://www.google.com/inputtools/)
- Transliterate to Tamil (URL: https://vengayam.net/translate/tamil.html)
- English to Tamil conversion online (URL: http://tamil.changathi.com/)
- Online Tamil Typing (URL: http://www.quillpad.in/index.html)
எழுத்துரு (Fonts)
- Google Tamil Fonts (URL: https://fonts.google.com/?subset=tamil)
- Amudham Font Download (URL: https://fonts2u.com/amudham.font)
- Azhagi Font Software (URL: https://www.azhagi.com/freefonts.html)
- Tamil Fonts and Keyboard Drivers (URL: http://www.tn.nic.in/tamilsw/default.htm)
- Tamil Unicode Converter (URL: http://www.freetamilfont.com/)
அகராதி (Dictionary)
- Tamilcube Tamil Dictionary (URL: http://dictionary.tamilcube.com/)
- Tamil Dictionary online (URL: http://www.tamildict.com/english.php)
- Madhan Karky’s Chol & Other Tools (URL: http://karky.in/karefo/labs/chol/chol.html)